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Don’t like hiking by yourself? You’re not alone! Not everyone is okay with going solo- and there are options to finding great hiking partners. In my opinion, I think hiking is more fun when you have others to go with.

So, If you’ve been home bound rather than hitting the trails, then it’s about time you took action! Ways to connect with hiking buddies can be done through good ol’ fashioned networking, online, or even within your own friends and family.

Why the Right Hiking Partner is Important

Hiking with someone you get along well with is uplifting and could be the start of a lifelong friendship! You’ll be able to plan many hikes together, share resources and encourage one another.

Hiking with people that have a different pace, conversational style, or agenda can be an issue. A few years ago, I went hiking with 2 other people. They both were much faster than I was and literally left me behind most of the time. I felt like I was hiking by myself. Thank goodness I knew the trail though and had no problem navigating.

If you are new to hiking, then an experience like this could be discouraging. It also helps to have similar interests and conversational styles. It could be frustrating If you prefer being a bit quieter on hikes and your partner talks the entire time,. Or, it could cause friction if you like to stop and smell the roses along the way and your hiking partner just wants to get to the top.

Thank goodness there are plenty of places to turn to when finding a compatible hiking companions.

Networking and Existing Relationships

Think about your circle of friends and family. Do any of them hike or has the potential to hike? (Keep in mind though that if there’s a trait about someone that you don’t particularly care for, it will be enhanced on the trail). Anyway, don’t assume that your friends and family will say no. You could be an amazing influence on someone. You’d be giving the gift of lifelong health!

The gym could be another option. If you go often then perhaps you’ve gotten to know some other people there pretty well. They would probably appreciate being asked to go hiking and get out of the gym environment.

Finally, joining a club related to hiking or conservation could be a great way to meet others that hike. Even groups like nature photography and bird watching because these interests involve the need to hike and explore. A sure fire way to meet other hiking enthusiasts is to actually join a group that restores the trails in your area. With organizations like, there are numerous ways to volunteer and give back to the community.

Your Local Hiking Community

Local hiking clubs and associations are a great place to start. These organizations are fantastic because they’re filled with people who are as enthusiastic about hitting the trails as you are. Check out the American Hiking Society’s website or local conservation groups for starters.

Another great place to meet other hikers are at Outdoor/Hiking classes and events, Whether it’s a navigation workshop, a wilderness first aid course, or a group meet-up, attending these events could work out well for you in finding like-minded individuals. Plus, you’ll learn a thing or two that could come in handy on the trail. is a hybrid of online and community. It’s national- but all the events are set up locally. For instance, My Hike, Bike, and Socials MeetUp is for those who live in the Phoenix area. With, you will meet groups of people that hike on a regular basis. From the group hikes, it’s perfectly acceptable to connect with individuals and then plan your own hikes.

Finally- it never hurts to check out a local community bulletin board. These are often filled with flyers and announcements from people just like you looking for hiking partners and group excursions. Drop by, take a look, and maybe leave a message of your own.

Online Forums and Social Media Groups

There are a large number of people that post in forums and social media groups who share your passion for hiking. The forum in AZ that is pretty active is You can also search for Facebook groups dedicated to hiking in your area.

Reddit could be another place you might want to look. Look for subreddits that focus on hiking, backpacking, and outdoor adventures. What’s great about these platforms is the dynamic conversations and the ability to ask for partner recommendations without geographical limitations. This is helpful if you want to hike out of state or even out of the country.

Of course there’s the obvious- when you are meeting people for the first time, do your due diligence to make sure they aren’t crazy. Ideally, start with the public conversations before moving to private messages. Then- when you’re comfortable discuss meeting in a public spot face to face (if possible).

This proactive approach not only keeps you safe but also ensures that both parties are clear about their hiking goals.

When you’ve made a connection with someone, it’s time to start building some trust.

Building Trust and Ensuring Compatibility

When you’re about to spend hours on the trail with someone, trust and compatibility are key. You want a hiking partner who not only shares your enthusiasm for the outdoors but also one whose company you genuinely enjoy.

Before you step on the trail, have an open conversation about your hiking experience, skills, comfort levels, and what you both want out of the hike. Are you in it for the view, the workout, or maybe photography? Understanding each other’s motivations can help avoid any misaligned expectations.

Consider arranging a meet-and-greet hike that’s casual, with an easy trail you’re both familiar with. This low-stress environment is perfect for getting to know each other and gauging the fit without committing to a full-scale hike. Think of it as a ‘trial hike’ where you can assess your dynamics in terms of pace, decision-making, and overall vibe together.

Don’t be shy to discuss physical fitness and pace openly. If one of you prefers a leisurely hike and the other is all about peak-bagging at lightning speed, you might not be the best match. Both partners should feel comfortable expressing their expectations and limitations. After all, a hike should be enjoyable, not a cause for stress.

Finally, make sure you share common interests and values when it comes to hiking. Perhaps you both enjoy birdwatching or are passionate about environmental conservation. A shared interest will not only enhance your hiking experience but also foster a deeper connection with your hiking buddy. And remember, it’s okay if your first hiking match isn’t perfect; you can always learn and adjust your preferences as you meet new people.

Finding a Great Hiking Partner Summary

As you can see, there is no reason in the world you have to hike by yourself (if you don’t want to). Hiking with the right person or groups of people can help you sustain a very healthy activity for life. You could create wonderful and long lasting friendships.

There are numerous places to search and resources to go to. Start with your existing family and friends. Look into the local hiking associations or even think about joining a conservation group. Attend a hiking class or go to an outdoor Expo event. is a wonderful place to start online- and then move into actually meeting in person. Look on Facebook, forums or other social media platforms.

With so many options and resources- you truly never have to hike alone. Best of luck to you on your hiking journeys! Would love to hear how you met your hiking partners-please leave a comment.



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