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The short answer to this question is Yes!- hiking can contribute to burning belly fat.  Well, wait though- you may ask if you’re already a hiker, why do you still have a belly bulge?

Fat loss in general must be approached from a holistic perspective.  One widespread misconception is the idea of  that “magic bullet” exercise to lose weight.  This is not how our bodies work. 

Exercise alone is simply not enough; to lose one pound of fat you must burn through 3,500 calories. This means you need to burn more calories than you consume.

With this said, hiking does contribute to losing belly fat, but it must be done consistently, and in unison with healthy eating. Losing belly fat involves overall body fat reduction.  The belly can be one of the very last places to lose fat- Yeah, no fair!

After having two kids, I can attest that losing fat around the middle is difficult! I am very active, but this area is and can be very stubborn.  I do not have a flat stomach right now, even though I hike on a regular basis.  It’s because I am still not following everything I need to diet wise. 🙂  I love my chocolate cake and don’t want to give it up right now.

According to Dr. Berg (nutrition and health expert), weight loss is 85% diet and 15% exercise.  I’m not here to dispute this fact- I’m sure there are other health experts who disagree with this statement.

Anyway, I’m here to address this question/topic accurately.  So- the key idea in this article is that hiking does indeed contribute to burning belly fat, but you must hike/walk on a regular basis and also eat healthy.

Why Should I Worry About Losing Belly Fat?

This has absolutely nothing to do with shaming people for their weight. Being over weight in general is not healthy.  I feel the need to address this due to the sensitivity we have around weight loss right now in our society.

With this said, belly fat can be a serious health concern. We have two types to be aware of – subcutaneous (under the skin) and visceral (around the organs). The latter can raise the risk of chronic diseases, like type 2 diabetes and heart disease.  The heavier you are, the more fat you will have around your vital organs.

Therefore, tackling that belly bulge is more than just looking good; it’s a critical step for your health.

Okay, so let’s take a look at HOW hiking contributes to burning the belly bulge.

Ways on How Hiking Burns Belly Fat

Hiking as a Cardiovascular Exercise

Hiking is a fantastic cardio exercise for burning belly fat. With increased heart rate and energy expenditure during hiking, the body taps into fat stores, including belly fat, for fuel. The longer and more challenging the hike, the greater the calorie burn and potential for abdominal fat reduction.

Earlier, I mentioned Dr. Berg- the expert on health and nutrition.  In this video, he discusses how beneficial walking is for losing belly fat.  I am incorporating some of his research, because hiking IS walking- but with additional elevation gains and varied terrain.

In this video, Dr. Berg discusses research that involved 54 different studies regarding walking. It was concluded that walking is the best exercise to losing belly fat!!  Walking helps to reduce insulin resistance, which Dr. Berg states is one of the leading causes of belly fat.

According to Dr. Berg,

“When you walk, you’re doing an exercise that is lower intensity. The first 30 minutes you burn the stored glycogen in your body. After 30 minutes, you’re going to be burning Pure fat. You want to walk at least an hour- even more if you can.  Walking can burn 200-300 calories per hour”

Okay, so we can clearly see the benefits of walking; and so hiking can burn even more calories.

Depending on the trail difficulty and your weight, you could burn anywhere from 400 to 700 calories per hour. That means the longer and more challenging your hike, the more fat you’ll burn.

Do your best to go on trails that have varying inclines and terrains to intensify the workout and maximize the fat-burning benefits.

Hiking consistently is your best ally in this battle against belly fat. Aim to hike regularly, and slowly extend your distance or increase the difficulty. This gradual progression will help improve your endurance and, in turn, burn more calories.

Also, as a side benefit, hiking gets you to more beautiful places and further out into nature than walking typically will.

Muscle Building and Toning

Hiking incinerates calories and builds and tones muscles, particularly in the lower body. The consistent uphill and downhill movements work the calves, quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes, contributing to a toned physique.

Moreover, a stronger and more muscular body naturally burns more calories at rest, which can further reduce abdominal fat. It’s important to reiterate that hiking should be supplemented with a balanced nutrition plan to ensure adequate muscle recovery and growth.

Increased Caloric Expenditure

As mentioned earlier, compared to walking on a flat surface, hiking involves more physical effort due to the natural obstacles and inclines encountered along the trail. As a result, hiking burns more calories than traditional walking.

Increasing your caloric expenditure through hiking creates a calorie deficit essential for burning  fat and losing weight. As with any weight-loss method, consistency and patience are key. Hiking regularly and incorporating it into your daily routine can lead to gradual but sustainable stomach fat loss.

Long-Duration Workouts

Hiking often involves spending extended periods on the trail, which provides a continuous workout for your body. Longer-duration workouts are more effective in burning fat. When you engage in sustained physical activity like hiking, your body utilizes stored fat as a fuel source, leading to increased fat burning and potential reduction in belly fat. Aim for those longer hikes of at least 1 hour whenever possible and go a few times a week to start.

Stress Reduction and Hormonal Balance

Stress is often associated with weight gain, particularly in the abdominal area. Hiking in nature helps reduce stress levels by providing a peaceful and calming environment. Additionally, physical exercise stimulates the release of endorphins, known as “feel-good” hormones. By reducing stress and promoting hormonal balance, hiking indirectly supports belly fat reduction. You may experience visible results in your body composition, including a flatter stomach, as you continue to incorporate hiking into your routine.

Whole-Body Workout

Hiking engages multiple muscle groups, including legs, arms, core, and back. It offers a complete workout that targets various areas simultaneously. This comprehensive approach to exercise increases overall calorie burn and promotes fat loss throughout the body, including the tummy region. A well-rounded exercise routine is crucial for losing abdominal fat, and hiking is an excellent addition to any workout regimen. This total-body workout can contribute to a leaner and more toned physique.

Holistic Lifestyle Considerations

Now that you’ve seen how hiking can play a role in fat loss, especially around the belly, I want to address the bigger picture. It’s crucial to remember that exercise, while important, is just one part of a healthy lifestyle.

What you eat is just as critical as your physical activity. A balanced diet rich in nutrients, lean proteins, whole grains, and plenty of vegetables is key. Think of your food choices as fuel for your hiking adventures and daily life. This is not about strict dieting or deprivation, but rather making choices that support your health and exercise goals.

But there’s more to it than just diet and exercise. Don’t underestimate the importance of getting enough sleep and managing stress. A lack of sleep can mess with your hunger hormones, making you more likely to reach for unhealthy snacks. Similarly, high stress levels can lead to stress eating and are linked to increased belly fat.

Encourage yourself to adopt healthy habits that span across diet, exercise variety, sleep, and stress management. It might seem like a lot, but these elements interconnect for your overall well-being. Choose something that resonates with you and remember, you can always adjust your approach down the road.

In conclusion, hiking can indeed help burn belly fat. As a full-body workout that combines cardiovascular exercise with strength training, it effectively targets stubborn abdominal fat. However, diet and consistency are essential to maintain a healthy weight and achieve lasting results. So, get your hiking boots on and hit the trails to experience the beauty of nature and reap the benefits of a stronger, leaner body.


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  1. Hi Misty, 

    An integrated perspective on weight management is presented in the discussion of hiking to burn belly fat, highlighting the significance of a comprehensive strategy incorporating diet, exercise, and lifestyle changes. It brings up crucial points to consider: In light of variables like frequency, intensity, and duration, how can people integrate hiking into a comprehensive weight loss plan the most effectively? What other lifestyle adjustments should be considered to improve general well-being in addition to the advantages of hiking? This method emphasizes how complicated fitness and health are, implying that achieving desired results requires a variety of tactics.

    1. Hi Sara,

      Thank you so much for your response.  

      Integrating hiking into a weight loss plan involves several components. One of the most important factors is to create a schedule.  Hikes should be scheduled in advance and added to the weekly routine. If this is not done, then it’s too easy for someone to say they are busy and can’t go.  Also, one should set realistic goals.  Those who want to lose weight by hiking need a calorie deficit, so they need to go often enough to make this happen. They need to set the distance and or duration of the hikes weekly that will help them burn the most calories.  Additional lifestyle adjustments include getting enough sleep, managing stress, eating healthy and being consistent.  Hiking for weight loss is a healthy long term strategy. 

  2. This article is wonderfully written and addresses the subject not only of belly fat but also the best approach to tackle that unwanted belly fat successfully.

    I could not agree more that we need to do more than merely hike to achieve losing our belly fat. You can walk every day, not eat right, and get zero to little benefits from the walks. Or you can eat a well-balanced diet, take those same walks, and reap many rewards and benefits. 

    When I take a good hike, I feel the muscle use in my stomach and arms, not just my legs. I like to treat some of my hikes like a workout, not every hike, but at least 3 to 4 per week. This increases my cardio workout and really gets my blood pumping.

    After my hike and post-hike stretches, I generally eat a salad. I have found that the salad hydrates me and satisfies my hunger without weighing me down, and I can get on with any other plans or tasks for the day.

    What is your favorite post hike cooldown? 


    1. Stacie,

      Thank you so much for your comments- sounds like you love to stay fit.  🙂   My post hike cooldown includes stretching, drinking chocolate milk- and using a foam roller on my legs if it was a really long hike.  I find this helps tremendously to not be sore the next day.  

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